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information about personal
Useful information about personal injuries (2)

When you suffered a dog bite, slip, fell, had a car accident, were harmed by a defective drug or product or suffered a different personal injury, you may be entitled to financial compensation, and for associated losses like time off from work.

If in your opinion another party is responsible for your personal injury, you should contact a personal injury lawyer. You and the lawyer will then answer, whether you can identify a third party who is responsible for the injury and whether he is able to prove that it was the other party’s fault.

When you proved that the other party was responsible for your personal injury, you can only recover if your personal injury lawyer can show compensable damages (like medical bills, lost work time, property loss/ damage, pain and suffering).

A personal injury case can take several months, sometimes even years to settle or reach trial. You also have to appear for depositions, and provide documents to the opposing party.


  • If you have suffered a personal injury because of the negligence of another person or company, you have the right to compensation.
  • You have the right to hire the personal injury lawyer of your choosing (this includes right to not do deal with other party’s insurance company) -> he should be respectful, keep you fully informed about the case’s progress, keep in contact with you, be honest, keep your case moving forward, and be committed to your case
  • You have to work and make decisions with your personal injury lawyer (i.e. make decisions about alternatives to litigation like mediation and binding arbitration)
  • You are entitled to compensation -> you do not want to make money off the insurance companies; you want to make up for what you lost (suffered pain, lost work time or whatsoever)